What I Am Doing While Being Isolated
Wow, things have changed quickly, haven’t they? In February we traveled up north to attend to my mom’s funeral. We had a really good turnout for the services. We stayed at a hotel. We ate in restaurants as a large group. We talked to others. The word “covid-19” didn’t even exist, I don’t think. Fast forward one month later…
No funerals taking place, or at least not under extreme caution. No hotel stays. Forget about eating at a restaurant. And talking to others? Maybe from 10 feet part! And now, we all know what covid-19 is… and does.
Having been in isolation now for two full weeks, I am starting to get a little antsy. Are you?
I have switched my therapy practice to 100% online. I have set up a home office now that has better snacks than I did at my real office. My routine has pretty much stayed the same. But now I am doing some tweaking of my business.
I will be rolling out a new and upgraded logo that will better define my practice. “Your Inner SOULutions” will be replaced with “Therapy When Life Sucks”. And a few other marketing and logistic changes.
I am exercising more, actually. Going for walks and drives. Eating healthier. Stretching frequently. And whistling while I work.
These are tough times. Reach out if you need help. Contact family, friends and neighbors. Utilize video chats like facebook and skype. We will get through this. And before you know it, we will be back at it. Traveling, staying in hotels, eating at restaurants, and being 3 inches from the people beside us!
Isolation. It’s lonely.